
zu HauseHerstellerArkX Laboratories

ArkX Laboratories

About ArkX Laboratories

ArkX Labs’ EveryWord™ ultra far-field voice capture and control solutions deliver an unmatched H2H and H2M voice recognition experience. EveryWord™ captures voice commands from 3X the distance (9+ meters) v. beam forming technology, works around corners, and in noisy and reverberative environments – without lowering the playback volume or competing with other single-point noise sources. EveryWord™ is compatible with Alexa, Google, Siri, Cortana, AliGenie, Baidu/Kitt.ai, or our Sensory solutions. Our portfolio is Amazon (AVS) qualified and production-ready to get you to market – faster.

Development Boards, Kits, Programmers (1)

Transformers (1)


(86) 755-88355669

Mon-Fri: 09:30 AM-19:00 PM

Rm 1711, Gebäude 11, Phase 2, Tianan Yungu Industrial Park, Bantian Street, Longgang Dist, Shenzhen, 518129 China

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